nonsequitarian Author Image


Hi! I’m Rob, a hobbyist musician and a software engineering manager. I’m a firm believer in the (research supported) idea that creating an environment of psychological safety leads to more effective teams and better outcomes. I take a human-centric approach to managing, because I like humans. For most of my career I’ve worked at explicitly values-based organizations, because I have values.

I’m fascinated by psychology (especially psychodynamics and object relations theory) and have found an understanding of psychological concepts to be incredibly useful in both my personal and professional life, especially when paired with a healthy course of therapy. In fact, I think it’s a shame more people don’t know the fundamentals psychodynamic thinking. Especially engineers, who are particularly skilled at understanding and analyzing complex systems. Because, while it’s true that humans will always be unpredictable, there are models that can help us make sense of our behavior, which can in turn help us be more intentional and skillful in how we relate to and with other people in every part of our lives.

This site is my venue to share my own understanding of these ideas, and how I’ve found them to be useful. You’ll also find links to my music, and I reserve the right to write about whatever strikes my fancy, but (hopefully) helping others realize some of the same benefits I’ve found is my primary interest at the moment. I hope you find it useful, or at least interesting.